While The Garden Sleeps
While the garden sleeps outside through the chill of winer, even the thick blanket of snow cannot keep the color away. It comes on the...

Yuletide Revelry
I couldn't share this until after Christmas as it was a surprise present under their tree. Yet another really fun commission - this time...

All the Creatures Were Stirring...
I had the honor of creating a large acrylic on birch board house portrait for a dear family in Hamilton with quite a menagerie of furry...

And That's a Wrap
We finally had a killing frost which was beautiful in its crystal killings. The Dahlias have all blackened and I pulled them all from...
5th Annual Heart of the Home Kitchen Tour
Today was the 5th Annual Heart of the Home Kitchen Tour to benefit the Wenham museum! What a great day – We had over 250 visitors tour...

October Glory
The October garden did not disappoint! The dahlias were in full splendor and the morning glories managed to take over the all the arbors...

100 Days of Bouquets for October
We made it to the end of the 100 Days of Bouquets! There will certainly be enough inspiration and flower pictures to keep me painting...

100 Days of Bouquets for September
Kept up with the bouquets in September and was able to bring a car load with me to Long Island where I was lucky enough to attend a...

100 Days of Bouquets for August
I enjoyed keeping up with my #100daysofbouquets in instagram for August - trying to keep the designs fresh and finding different...

100 Days of Bouquets for July
I had so much fun with the 100 Day Project Painting and creating in my sketchbook for the last 100 Days that I decided to do it again,...